Articles Thursday, February 25 2021
Here are 5 useful truths that most people can recognize:
1. Everything began and came from a more powerful cause. 2. People do not perfectly keep their moral codes. 3. Constant moral values exist beyond what people agree and accept. 4. Life can have no ultimate meaning and purpose without God. 5. Humanity needs saving from degrading one another and denying a constant value for every person.
These truths align with what we experience and with what the Bible reveals. The Bible presents this reality and leads us to realize and infer more. One comment that will instantly improve evangelism is "We were made... for this purpose, to enjoy this, to love others, for more." We may follow up by recognizing that "We all need help in life." For this, consider the title and remember that we were "Made for More." Most people think about their lives and think about whether there is a greater purpose. We might ask, "Why is everything here?" Some have thought of this and they do not like the answers, so they ignore these evidences of God. However, "Why is everything here?" and "Why is there something rather than nothing?" These are questions that we should use to encourage others to keep asking because the answer is that we were made for more. We also say, "No one is perfect;" in other words, that no one is morally perfect. This is true as the Bible confirms that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). Rebellion separates humanity from the Creator of everything. That rebellion from the Creator of life results in a separation of death and the result is suffering. Now, we see that "We need help. We need a savior." You may add some other basic truths that people admit. The initial list should get us thinking about how we can encourage others to think about the Creator because there is more to life. The universe is intelligible so that intelligent human beings can perceive the intelligible universe. The only explanations for the cause of the universe is that the cause is either intelligent or not. The best explanation is that the cause is the intelligent Creator and not an unintelligent generator. By the way, asserting multiple creators who contradict each other would not constantly agree on one uniform reality and perception of the world. Because people are intelligent like the Creator, then we are evidently made in the Creator's likeness just as the Bible also attests (Genesis 1:26–27). How can these deep thoughts come up in everyday conservations? We might talk about the weather and why it is the way that it is: "It is a beautiful day that keeps reminding me that this world was made for us." When good things happen, thank God before others because "We were made for more." When someone does you wrong, do not reserve forgiveness when they repent because God has forgiven you. Christians must stand for what is right and wrong upon the basis that there is a constant standard, because "We were made for more." We can make comments in other subtle ways by noting, "We were not created to treat each other this way" and "We are created to be compassionate." Our actions help others to look at the world and perceive reality. That new perspective will help them to seek, find, and trust in God. |